Location & contact
Hotel Reuti
Engi 485
6086 Hasliberg Reuti
+41 33 972 53 00
6086 Hasliberg Reuti
+41 33 972 53 00
The Hotel Reuti in Hasliberg lies in the heart of Switzerland and is reachable fast and comfortable.

Travelling by car
from Basel in 99 minutes
from Zürich in 77 minutes
from Bern in 66 minutes
from Luzern in 44 minutes
from Zürich in 77 minutes
from Bern in 66 minutes
from Luzern in 44 minutes
Travelling by public transportation
You can reach the Brünig Pass by train from Interlaken and Luzern and from their with the postal bus to Hasliberg Reuti.
Travelling by gondola
From Meiringen you can reach the Hotel Reuti by gondola in 5 minutes.
Job offers
Working in one of the most beautiful hotels in Haslital - we are looking forward to your application!
Our personnel department will be happy to provide you with information
Tel. +41 33 550 50 12
Tel. +41 33 550 50 12